
December 31, 2013

President’s 2013 Year End Letter

Dear Friends of the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Foundation,

What makes a garden
And why do gardens grow?
Love lives in gardens-
God and lovers know! (1)

We know you love the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park because your generosity has provided many venues for sharing your love, joy and delight with nearly 600,000 Meijer Garden guests last year.

Your generosity also supports new venues, exhibitions, events and many other important aspects from the purchase of library books to the Log Cabin in the Children’s Garden. Your gifts keep the facilities clean, safe, accessible, fresh and in good working order. In total, your gifts provide 23% of the operating cost and they significantly build on Fred and Lena’s vision for Meijer Gardens.

We trust you will enjoy this annual report which is designed to provide financial information, highlight members of the Bonsai and Perennial Societies and recognize three new donors.

Financially, we had a very successful 2013, helped in no small part by strong equity markets. Investment income and gains totaled $14 million in 2013. These strong results allowed the Foundation to provide just under $4 million of support to Meijer Gardens.

In addition, we have been pleased with over $330,000 of new pledges and funds which helped us grow to a total endowment balance of $98.7 million even after the nearly $4 million distribution to Meijer Gardens. We are proud of the fact that the total annual operating cost of the Foundation is slightly less than 1%, including all administrative, donor recognition, advisory and investment fees.

If you a have a particular interest in the arts, sculpture or gardening, please talk to us about how you may establish (or add to) a personal and permanent legacy and ensure that Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park will grow and bloom forever.

It is a wonderful feeling to know that you have been and always will be part of something special and can share your love of gardens and sculpture with 600,000 friends each year.

Very truly yours,

John D. Bouwer, President
Board of Directors

(1) Quote by Carolyn Giltinam