- Kenneth Bandstra
- Karl F. & Patricia J. Betz
- William & Laurie Boer
- John D. & Marian F. Bouwer
- Michael J. & Lora A. DeVries
- Dr. David G. Dvorak & Ms. Karol J. Peterson
- Eileen DeVries Family Foundation
- Fred Fichter
- Dirk Hoffius
- Joan Hoffman
- Earl* & Donnalee Holton
- Sarah & Michael Julien
- C. Thomas & Evelyn Kapteyn
- Thomas Peter Kapteyn
- Mary Ann Keeler
- Christine M. Liebrock*
- Ray Loeschner
- Kathleen Maine
- David R. & Mary Ann Mapes
- Edward & Diana Marsilje
- Doug Meijer & Kendall Meijer Foundation
- Lena Meijer
- Hank & Liesel Meijer
- Thomas P. Merchant & Glen W. Johnson
- Daniel W. Miller & Susan L. Wright-Miller
- In Memory of Don & Dorothy Hoyt Pingree
- John & Gail Nowak
- Richard & Valerie Peacock
- June Prein
- Milt & Barbara Rohwer
- Bernie & Rose Rosenthal
- Peter* & Joan Secchia
- Lynn & John P. Vinkemulder
- Robert Zylstra
The Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Foundation offers two societies for those who have made significant contributions to the Foundation. Members qualify for permanent recognition at the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park and are invited to the annual Donor Recognition event.

Bonsai Society
Those who have cumulative monetary gifts and/or pledges in estate plans of $100,000 or more to the Foundation are members of the Bonsai Society.
To qualify for membership with an estate gift pledge, donors must submit a copy of the gift provision in their estate plan, or have other written documentation, verifying that the $100,000 minimum has been met.
If a donor's plan calls for a percentage of the estate's remainder, and the amount will meet or exceed $100,000, a written statement from the donor's estate planner, tax consultant, or attorney would meet the requirement for membership.

Perennial Society
Those who have a cumulative monetary gifts and/or pledges in estate plans of $10,000 or more to the Foundation are members of the Perennial Society.
To qualify for membership with an estate gift pledge, donors must submit a copy of the gift provision in their estate plan, or have other written documentation, verifying that the $10,000 minimum has been met.
If a donor's plan calls for a percentage of the estate's remainder, and the amount will meet or exceed $10,000, a written statement from the donor's estate planner, tax consultant, or attorney would meet the requirement for membership.
- William E. Alt
- Gasper J. Amodeo*
- Scott E. Andrews
- John G. & Janet Baab
- Tammy & Howie Bailey
- Jean W. Barkin
- Nancy Batts
- Charles & Debbie Beckwith
- Ken Betz & Pat Brewer
- Charles & Patricia Bloom
- John Bodary
- Fred A. Bogaert
- Vern* & Norma* Boss
- Paul & Cathy Boyer
- Molly Bradshaw
- Daniel & Barbara Braun
- Sheri Brolick
- Jim & Donna Brooks
- Joan Buchanan
- Jesse & Gia Budrick
- Robert & Sandra Burnham
- Kent Garden Club
- The Works Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
- Robert & Susan Conklin
- Fred Cooper
- Glen B. Corp
- Gilbert R. & Patricia K. Davis
- Robert & Lois De Boer
- Daniel & Pamella DeVos
- James & Judy DeLapa
- Abby J. & Milo R. DeVries
- Elizabeth Tinney Donley
- Chris & Deanna Eckert
- Jon C. Ferguson
- Gregory & Kathy Forzley
- Nancy McKenzie Frost
- Henry G. Fuhs
- Mark & Barbara Gerson
- Gillett Family Foundation Trust
- John & Nancy Gordon
- William & Suzanne Green
- Terry & Margie Griffith
- Sid & Elizabeth Harkema
- John & Gwen* Hibbard
- Dirk & June Hoffius
- Robert Hooker
- David S. & Leslie A. Hooker
- Marilyn Hunting
- Mike & Sue Jandernoa
- Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids
- Charles R. & Linda H. Johnson
- Donald & Bunny Johnson
- Jim & Sheryl Jurries
- Jeanne M. Kapenga
- James & Amy Keane
- James Keane, Jr.
- Donald E. & Ann Kelley
- John & Nancy Kennedy
- Sue Kloostra
- Wayne & Vicki Korson
- Douglas* & Raymonde Kramlich
- Ping & Tim Liang
- Barbara P. Marcus
- M. Lynn Martin
- Bruce & Candace Matthews
- Barbara Mayo-Johnson
- Lexy McCulloch
- Mac & Pinky McPherson
- Linda & David Mehney
- Deborah Meijer
- Jack H. Miller
- Daniel & Kathleen Molhoek
- John W. Morrison
- Richard G. & Maureen J. Morrison
- Jeanenne Morton
- Katharine L. Neff
- Arlene Obetts
- Jeff & Peg Padnos
- Keith G. Paluska
- Todd & Jan Polavin
- James & Marie Preston
- Patrick Pullen & Linda Chamberlain
- David & Kathleen Ray
- Robert S.* & Phyllis G. Rood
- Shirley J. Roskam
- Alwyn & Chris Rougier-Chapman
- Mark Sherwood & Saralyn Coupe
- Budge & Marilyn* Sherwood
- Jack & Susan Smith
- Hilary F. Snell
- John & Judy Spoelhof Foundation
- Jesse & Becky Stewart
- Helen & Fred Tallmadge
- The Tassell-Wisner-Bottrall Foundation
- Shawn Tilstra Family
- Marilyn Titche
- George & Kerstin Trowbridge
- F. Phillip Van Eyl Family
- Frank & Sharon Van Haven
- Connie Wenger
- John L. & Carroll D. Wiener
- Gwen Bolt & Dorothy Williamson
- Stephen & Cheryl Wonch

If you would like to become a member of the society, please contact Susanne Veeneman, Executive Director of the Foundation, at 616-791-3901 or susanne.veeneman@meijer.com.

2023 Annual Donor Event
Foundation Society Members Take the Stage As Part of Special Donor Recognition Event
Patrons of the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Foundation weren’t asked to sing or dance or otherwise perform, but they took center stage nonetheless at this past summer’s annual Donor Recognition Event.
The VIP treatment was a first for members of the Foundation’s Bonsai and Perennial Societies, who participated from the artists’ point of view during a program hosted outdoors on the main stage that typically plays summertime host to everyone from Indigo Girls to The Beach Boys.
“What a lovely way to honor the donors,” said Elizabeth Tinney Donley, who echoed the sentiments of others in attendance the evening of June 14.
Indeed, with partly sunny skies and temps in the low 70s, it was a fitting backdrop for new and long-time patrons alike, all of whom showered the Foundation with praise for its ongoing role as ambassadors in investing and preserving Meijer Gardens for current and future generations.
“The best thing about giving to the Foundation is how that ensures it for people to come after us,” said Shawn Tilstra
Added Patricia Bloom, “We are thrilled to be able to be members here. We looked at this not just as something for my husband and me to enjoy, but for our kids and grandkids. They’re in love with it, too.”
Todd Polavin noted that “this is a world-class facility and to have something like this in West Michigan is beyond belief. I want to support it as much as possible.”
“The City of Grand Rapids and beyond deserve to have a place like this,” said Ken Bandstra, noting that Meijer Gardens is “peaceful, educational and one-of-a-kind.”
Added Elizabeth Tinney Donley, “It’s so magnificent. It’s beautiful. And yes, so good for the City, a great tourist attraction. There’s something for everyone here.”
David Mapes rhapsodized Meijer Gardens for the role it plays in so many lives: “It’s a part of us,” he said. “We’re becoming more and more involved all the time. We believe strongly in the mission of the Gardens and what it provides to the community. And we’re more involved because of that.”
Jesse Budrick called Meijer Gardens “one of the gems of Grand Rapids,” and said that “if we can support it, that’s money well-spent.”
The evening included a gourmet dinner, followed by a program that featured an update on the Foundation, as well as remarks from newly appointed Gardens President & CEO Charles Burke.
Burke said he was immediately impressed with how Meijer Gardens welcomed families like his with its “special warmth and spirit,” and that its culture owes a lot to the legacy of Fred and Lena Meijer – whose love and passion and intellectual curiosity and sense of adventure live on and will continue to do so “for generations to come.”
In addressing plans for the future, Burke stressed that we need to be observant and then respond to “building a culture of quality, good metrics and accountability.”
He also emphasized that Meijer Gardens needs to “connect with historically underserved communities” and build bridges and partnerships toward that end.
He concluded his remarks with a quote from Teddy Roosevelt, and likened patrons that evening to those at large who devote themselves to hard work and worthy causes. He invited those present to “give generously, to continue to be ambassadors, caretakers, risk-takers,” and people who defend and invest valiantly in a future that fosters “amazing possibilities.”
And from Tammy Bailey, “Who wouldn’t want to leave a legacy to a place where everything is destined to bloom and grow forever!”